Fitting was relatively easy despite the much stiffer tyres.
Running 30f/28r after 26/26. The front felt a little spongy at 26.
Have done just over 100km on mostly dry tar. The rear tips into a corner easily, but the front requires a fair amount of wrestling and wants to run wide. Makes me wonder about the compatibility. While these tyres squirm about in a corner the grip seems excellent. So much so that I am riding at the same speeds as the Tourance's. Clearly, the front doesn't brake as well as the Tourance.
I can't really comment yet on the performance in the bush. Have only ridden on gravel roads where even the Tourance was comfortable, that is, until it came to braking.
At this stage I'd say that I'm more than happy and can't wait to see what they're like in the wet.
Cost: Pirelli = $149; E09 = $179