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Old 06-09-14, 22:41
Sajmon Sajmon is offline
Newbie XT-Moto
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Havdrup
Posts: 14
Sajmon is on a distinguished road
The strangest thing ever...

Hi forum.

I just installed my Powercommander V on my 2012 XT660X yesterday evening.

When i start the bike and let it idle, my speedo reads any number between 0 and 15km/h randomly. Revving it changes nothing.
During normal driving, the speedo is acting normal as far as i can see - no jumping or anything else out of the ordinary.

For me it seems logical that it is caused by some kind of interference, but i can't seem to find a way to fix it - other than to remove the PCV again. (tried it and it Works, but... )

Anyone who had this happen to them and found a solution?

Maybe a firmware update?
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