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Old 03-09-14, 01:43
Spinner Dan Spinner Dan is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 83
Spinner Dan is on a distinguished road
Thanks Platty, for the feedback on the D606s. I reckon you are well qualified to offer that advice judging by your experiences. Glad to hear the bike is performing so well - further justification that I have made the right choice. I've reworked my forks as well (racetech springs and valves) and has made a huge difference but funds have not stretched as far as an Ohlins upgrade for the rear (but would love to do that!)

Well, MT21's were my other choice of tyre but on your sage advice I am now set on the D606's.

If one of your long rides out brings you to Brisbane, drop me a pm as I could show you a few of the choice local day (or o'night) trips out from here (although not sure the Tourance Nexts would work so well where I'd most want to take you).

Cheers... Dan