Following on from what Dan said, you might want to take a look at checking the forks themselves are aligned properly in the yokes as well as just the axle. It is quite easy for the fork tube to become twisted a few degrees, particularly in the type of impact you have had.
Basically you want to loosen everything from the bottom yoke downwards: Bottom yoke pinch bolts, axle pinch bolts, caliper mounting bolts and mudguard fasteners. Once you've done that push down through the bars and compress the forks and release them. Don't be tempted to bounce them rapidly though, it needs to be push and release in one smooth action and repeat if necessary. After that torque everything up in the right order, leaving the axle pinch bolts till last.
Here's a You Tube how to video that does a pretty good job of explaining it, if in a slightly long-winded way. Don't try and use a single nut to do the axle as he does, you'll make a mess of the axle or you knuckles, or even both; use a bolt with two nuts locked onto the end, or better still the correct tool!
As for checking the wheel is true, below is a video that shows pretty much the method I use, although if you've got an XT with matt finished black rims, chalk works better than a marker pen!