Thread: Chain Oiler ?
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Old 13-08-14, 03:57
gcd1966 gcd1966 is offline
2013 XT Trivia Champion
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Bit of product review of the Loobman chain oiler. My XTX 2009

First up, it's the cheapest chain oiler I could find. The company is based in London UK.

What do you get, tube, cable ties, dual side oiler head, oil storage bottle with press button (I believe the old version was a squeeze bottle).

It's a gravity feed system, super simple to use, press the button and a few ml of oil is released to travel down the tube to the oiler head/s. So if you need oil, press button, if you don't, then don't press button

I installed the dual side oiler hear, oil is delivered to both sides to the cog and onto the chain.

Installation, I'm no mechanic so I went for practicality with where I placed the oiler on the bike. Main points for me were:

Easy access to fill
Easy to operate
Short distance for the oil to travel (gravity feed system)
Keep away from the chain
Keep away from the hot exhaust
Out of the way of the pillion

Took about 1 hour to install, I was being very fussy with the oiler head alignment.

