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Old 07-08-14, 23:25
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Norfolk
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As Pepsi has mentioned, low idle speed is a very common reason for XTs stalling and well worth checking. However, a low idle speed won't cause a stall/cut-out whilst the throttle is open and the engine under load, unless it cut out at the point when you throttled off and used the clutch to change gear. Were you in the middle of a gear change when it cut out?

I reckon there may be a clue to your troubles in the first few lines of your post...

Originally Posted by Warheart01 View Post
As some of you may know I bought a used XTX 2005 last fall but hadn't gotten my MC-licence yet. However after a lot of expensive lessons and some practicing privately I got the licence today, superhappy and super thrilled to finally take my bike out on my own!
You bought the bike 8/9 months ago? It doesn't sound like you've used it a great deal in that time while you were getting your license. (Congratulations by the way!) Was it the same petrol in it when you rode the bike today and suffered the cut-out that was in it since you got the bike last year? If it was then it will have almost certainly "gone stale" in that time. Try some fresh fuel.

A good correctly gapped spark plug is absolutely essential in any single cylinder engine to prevent random stalling and cutting out. If the bikes been stored/left idle for some time, or just started and run for short periods then it isn't going to do the plug any favours. Do you know how old the plug is? For the sake of a few krona, its worth fitting a fresh plug.

To sum up, start with the simple stuff: Set idle to ~1500rpm, get some fresh fuel in the tank and change the spark plug. Then give it a good flogging to clear out the cobwebs!