What Map for my XTX? - need help
Hy Folks!
First, sorry for my bad Englisch, im from Austria and typing in Englisch is not easy for me ;-)
Im searching for a map for my XT660X.
My Setup is:
2008 Yamaha XT660X
O2 Eliminator with Power Commander 3
K&N Aftermarket air filter
Airbox internal rubber air duct removed
Stock Exhaust!
with this setup my bike was set on the dynamometer, but now i would buy a DNA Stage 2 Filter! which map would fit? (without which I would have on the dynamometer again)
Can i take the "M412-516.djm" map from the original Dynojet PC-3 maps?
(is there a problem because the construction year is 2005 but my one is 2008?)
The Info of the 516 map is :
2005 Yamaha XT660 European model
Stock exhaust
DNA stage 2 air filter kit
Would it Fit or is there a better map i can take?