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Old 13-03-14, 23:13
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Norfolk
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Pleiades is on a distinguished road
Firstly - welcome on board Jono.

Originally Posted by Kiwi XT660Z View Post
Can someone please clarify what airbox mod I do for the 660z I have seen the post bye kev which had heaps of pictures for the X or R.
Don't, what ever you do drill the airbox on the Z! On the R/X the part of the airbox you've seen drilled is on the unfiltered side, so safe to open up. On the Z, all of the airbox is on the filtered (clean) side of the intake, so any holes will allow dirty air into your motor. The only way to do it on the Z is fit a DNA stage 3 side cover, which effectively puts a giant hole in the airbox, but is also a filter.

Originally Posted by Kiwi XT660Z View Post
Do you do the KN filter frist and DNA filter 2nd stage.
Either, or both, doesn't really matter. They'll both offer a small gain in power, but both together will be more, particularly if fitting a fuel mod or PC.

Originally Posted by Kiwi XT660Z View Post
With the kevs fuelling mod and airbox mod plus MTC exhaust, what will the bhp be roughly?
Read this thread - it'll give you an idea. I know it quotes power for R/X, but the principle is the same. It's all "ball park stuff" anyway, as every bike is different. You'll only know actual numbers if/when you put your own bike on the dyno.

Originally Posted by Kiwi XT660Z View Post
What would the mods cost? I already have the exhaust. I cant get access to the shopping page for some reason and kev must be busy as I have pm him but haven't heard anything back yet.
Thanks Jono
Be patient. Kev will respond...

Last edited by Pleiades; 13-03-14 at 23:18. Reason: crap spelling