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Old 27-02-14, 18:13
Urchin Urchin is offline
Newbie XT-Moto
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: cannock
Posts: 7
Urchin is on a distinguished road
Silence is Golden.......

and I was wrong when I stated in a previous post:

'I'll try turning in the little plastic adjuster tonight and see if that helps, but its too loud and violent a noise to be that.'

It was........... bike on main-stand, chocked back wheel so it wouldn�t move, swing arm pivot out, Mhoossive allen key in to the on the right hand side to adjust the plastic adjuster, turned out a few turns to make sure it was turning freely, turned back in till snug with the swingarm dust seal... then backed off half a turn.

Spindle back in and torqued. Bike bounced, tugged, jumped up n down on.

Nasty noise gone completely !

Lots of jubilation ensued, and a few pints on the strength of it.

It couldn't of been the adjuster itself making the noise, but it does look like its was displacing something else that was not happy.

Given that the bikes made the noise since I got it, it now expains why, when I stripped it to grease the linkage bearings etc, they were already nicely greased....someone had already been there.

Pleiades - thanks for your thoughts and the help with the bearing link,

Urchin AKA one happy bunny !