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Old 12-09-13, 12:38
Sandman Sandman is offline
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Originally Posted by Pleiades View Post
Yes and no. Permatex works slightly differently, it's actually an adhesive, not a lubricant. It will stop the pad moving in any direction (other than obviously the one that works the brake!) Copper slip is slippery by nature and the pad can still move against the piston, pins etc, but will do a job "deadening" the sound.

I do actually use Copperslip on the Z, but only to keep the pins from seizing up, never had a problem with squealing.

I have heard of bonding the pads in but never actually seen it done. I would see it as the next step after copper grease if the squeal was still there.

Although you'd have to carefully remove all that copper grease to get anything to bond!!!