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Old 11-09-13, 13:50
majland majland is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Denmark
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majland is on a distinguished road
My ten is still new to me and I've only refueled twice. So not much for statistics...

Both refuels has been 21,8liter when I chickened out looking at the F-Trip counter and refueled. Then I had done 63 and 75km on F. (first was highway and second was smaller roads)

Assuming the 5,8 liter reserver is real Looking at the last refill somethings don't add up - but very close

The average on the last tank was 21,7km/l. And the last few hundreds km was not highway so not less than the average.
17,2liter to reserve at 21,7km/l gives 373km until F (Reality was 399km)

I should then have used 4.6 liter on F in only 75km meaning only 16,3km/l - don't think so.

Instead assuming the average og 21,7km/l I've only used 3,5liter and then reserve first kicked in at 18,3 liters

(and 18,6liter by the first refill)

But maybe I'm just filling it with about 1liter more than its nominal capacity...

I have still to run it dry and see how much I can fill it with to the brim. But looks like I can assume to do between 80 (highway at 110km/h) to 95km (roads at 90-100km/h)
2011 Yamaha XT660Z ABS T�n�r�.
  • Puig +8cm dark screen, Garmin Zumo 220, Scottoiler eSystem v2
  • Barkbusters Storm with external weights, Noname 30mm bar risers & EzMoto alu. levers
  • Kev's O2 Controller, Mccoi stepless controller with Hein Gericke heated grips
  • TT +4cm seat, Pivot Pegs, Altech stainless sprocket cover

Last edited by majland; 11-09-13 at 13:50. Reason: spelling