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Old 08-09-13, 13:00
waynovetten waynovetten is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: B'Ham
Posts: 501
waynovetten is on a distinguished road
It's all down to your relationship with the dealer and how you approach things,I bought my XT with 590 miles on the clock it hadn't even had a first service I wasn't remotely bothered about the warranty and it's never been anywhere near a dealer because the chances of me ever needing a warranty were slim.

The complete opposite I have a K1200 BM it takes some looking after to the point I even run it on an official BM warranty because when they go wrong it's big bucks!!!,BUT it's not stock I run it with carbon fibre wheels after market suspension with a DNA filter and an Akra pipe,my other bikes I look after myself this goes to a shop they know me and vice versa in fact while I have 3 BM dealers within 50 miles of where I live,it's a 250 mile round trip just to drop the bike off they know that and I'm looked after accordingly the fact it's got loads of after market goodies effects nothing.

But the reality is simple you run a non stock bike and you have a good chance of having the plug pulled on you,it's more down to do you need it(warranty) or do you care.