Thread: Off road!
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Old 18-07-13, 10:19
steveD steveD is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Huddersfield
Posts: 767
steveD is on a distinguished road
Off road!

Hi all, just to inform you all that I will not be biking for the foreseeable future.

Last Thursday I was carrying a bag of rubble down some stairs and had a bit of a trip at the bottom. I fell onto the bag and initially thought that I had broken my right knee!
Managed to get to hospital an registered for assessment. On being called to see the nurse I had to hobble backwards at which point my left knee collapsed.
Splat, flat on my back in the middle of A&E!
They got me up to a ward and then for X ray and it turns out that I have torn the Bilateral Quadriceps Tendons in both of my knees! Basically they are the big tendons on the top of your leg that give you the power to lift your legs up.
I was admitted to the Hospital in Bolton where I had been working.
I was fortunate to get a cancellation for surgery on the Friday and now have two really impressive man scars over each knee. They have put small staples in to hold the cut together and a sort of honeycombe sponge over it with a see through adhesive patch.
They have drilled into the knee cap and inserted some small pins to which they have connected the suture. Which in turn is sewn into the ligament.
I now have braces on both legs to stop any movement.
Got out of hospital this Tuesday and staying over at my brothers as I have too many stairs at my gaff.
The surgeon mentioned that the ligament could take six months to repair, so as a self employed person I,m totally stuffed. Anyone want a Tenere?
Will keep you informed as to my progress.
In the meantime I hope you are all out there enjoying the good weather.
If I'm not working, I'll be