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Old 27-06-13, 09:01
SlidersIntact SlidersIntact is offline
Junior XT-Moto
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 16
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Couple of questions after my first Mod!

So last night I fitted my New Renthal Bars! pretty straight forward apart from when it came to the Handguards........ The guards are Yamaha ones manufactured by Acerbis I believe, all went well until trying to get the rubbers out of the original Bars! these appear to be physically attached to the Bars and i couldnt for the life of me get them out.... anyone know where i can get just the rubbers which will go into my new Renthals? these are a thicker wall so the hole is smaller than the original bars...

Second question and totally unrelated, I appear to have a bracket with nothing attached! if you look at the left hand side of the bike (if sitting on it) in line with the rear foot rest mount, but closer in towards the wheel there is a small bracket.... onto which is attached.... NOTHING! .... I've talked to a mate with an XT and his just has a rubber bung fixed through it..... maybe something to do with the chain but looks too high from the chain to have any effect...... can anyone shed any light...........??

ohh the new Bars!
