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Old 14-06-13, 19:16
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Aug 2010
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If all the adjustment has been taken up at the lever, then you will have to adjust it at the clutch release arm.

It's always a good idea to screw in the adjuster at the lever all the way in (then back it off a turn) before you do anything at the clutch end of the cable. Set the correct amount of free play at the lever by adjusting the cable at the release arm on the engine case. Winding in the adjuster at the lever before setting the correct free play at the other end you will give you scope to make subsequent adjustments the easy way, without spanners, at the lever end.

If you cannot get the correct free play, or you�ve completely run out of adjustment at both ends, then either the cable has stretched badly or the clutch plates are worn beyond their limit.