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Old 21-05-13, 20:26
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by Petenz View Post
The easy don"t really work well way...
Put 20 weight oil in the forks & a set of fork spacers in..
both of these are little more than band aids to hide the real
prob of 2nd rate suspention..
You're quite right, adding fork spacers and heavier oil is not going to fix the real problem, but it will make the bike "feel" a lot better and allow a better balance in sag/weight transfer to be achieved to alleviate some of the pitching and rocking described in the OP.

Hamslay clearly doesn't want to get into the cost and complexities of adding cartridge emulators, Intiminators or revalving the forks...

Originally Posted by Hamslay View Post
but is there anything I can do to improve my bouncy castle XT, short of taking it to a suspension specialist and getting a complete new shock and fork internals?
...which is why the suggested a "band aid" solution is almost certainly worth a shot - there's nothing to lose!

Originally Posted by Petenz View Post
Fork spacers are ok on a XTX ..but a XTR that dose see offroad use they are only going to make the forks hard..
Contrary to popular belief, adding preload to a spring does not make it "harder" or change its rate. A 50Nmm spring (as in the XT forks) will still be a 50Nmm, needing 5Kg to compress it 1mm, however much preload you add to it! If you add 10mm of preload to a 50Nmm free spring all that happens is it will support 50Kg without moving, after that (>51Kg) it will begin compressing again at excatly the same rate as before when no preload was applied.

The ride may become "uncomfortable", but only if your daft enough to add in so much preload the free and rider sag disappears, or gets so small the fork is only using the top of its stroke. Hamslay should aim for 50-70 mm of rider sag with any preload spacers and all will be fine, which for an average 85-90Kg rider would equate to about 25mm of preload.