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Old 21-05-13, 09:33
Petenz Petenz is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Christchurch , NZ
Posts: 1,016
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The easy don"t really work well way...
Put 20 weight oil in the forks & a set of fork spacers in..
both of these are little more than band aids to hide the real
prob of 2nd rate suspention..
Fork spacers are ok on a XTX ..but a XTR that dose see offroad use
they are only going to make the forks hard.. not work on small
bumps... And yer still have no damping .. just hard forks..
The real issue is NOT the springs but the lack of damping..

To sort the front with out going to a full fork replacement..
instal a set of ricor intiminators or gold valves...its a bigish job as you have to
pull the forks apart and drill out the holes in the damping rods
so they no longer work as dampers.. then ALL the damping is
done by the Intiminators or gold valves which sit between the damping
rods & springs they are adjustable for rebound & compression damping..

The rear shock is what it is... trash can filler...
Harley Davidson..
The easyest way to turn gasoline into noise with out the side efect of horse power...

Last edited by Petenz; 21-05-13 at 09:53.