The MTC link page on here only mentions double cans. I have no interest in that, rather I want a loud single muffler system with a Y pipe, somewhere tucked out of harm's way like it was on my old KLR650. That was a White Brothers pipe, as I recall.
I visited my local Yammy dealer today and was quoted 1k� for an Akrapovich double pipe system. That's 1/3 of my bike's value, and the sales droid was 99% clueless to boot.
So he can go stuff a taco.
Anybody have a good single can system to recommend? How do I go about buying the Kev mod to go with the pipe? I reckon that my bike will run like dooky unless I do the Kev mod with the pipe. I have opened up the airbox per Kev's suggestions.
Oh yeah, it has to be shipped to France, where I am awaiting extradition