OK, let me start by admitting I have no idea how fuel injection works apart from reading something online 10 minutes ago, where I discovered that open loop and closed loop have nothing to do with froot loops.
I just went for a 40 mile ride, and paid close attention to this "surging" I'd heard about. The only thing I could notice was an on/off feeling once every second or two holding 25mph in 2nd gear. Anywhere else, I couldn't notice any issue at all.
Halfway through the ride I pulled over and started pushing buttons until I got to the Co1 setting, which was at 15. Having no idea what this setting really affects, I set it to 20 and headed for home.
I hoped it would get rid of the 2nd gear, 25mph issue (which isn't really an issue as I had to look for it), but it didn't. However, for a start the bike seemed a little louder. More growly. GRRRRR!
Also, 3rd gear normal acceleration seemed a bit swifter. And certainly more growly. GRRRR!!
Confused by what I thought I was seeing, I pulled over and reset the Co1 to 15. I *think* it seemed to go back to it's slightly milder self.
So I'm confused. I don't think the Co1 setting does much under normal riding, but it seemed to me it was like adding a sports exhaust, new air filter and power commander all in one.
Is this totally a case of the emperor's new clothes. Did I imagine it all?