Mine cost me around 3, 470 US dollars.
Another thing: Since the PO used to park it outside of his work, right at the sunlight everything was fadded away. So it came with a brand new set of fairings, and a new set of lights (all of them). And a pair of scorpions titanium exaust.
Also because of that, the digits of the speed are very hard to read...since those digits are sunburbed. The spokes was rusty, so I give them a litlle touch up work with paint.
I have to repaint the tank and the swing arm since the paint was fadded away. The PO told me he did not care about the looks, he just take care of the mechanics and services...Cross my fingers...
I remember in 2006 I sord this bike brand new...Love it...A 'few years latter' I could finally buy it. Don't Know if it is a good price, since it's my first bike, (always ride scooters) and because the conditions of the bike itself , but I really, really like it...