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Old 11-02-13, 19:17
DaleC DaleC is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Posts: 109
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Metal mule claim a weight loss of about 8.5kg when installing their 2 into 1 exhaust. From memory, this is fairly accurate (maybe conservative) as I recall weighing their system at about 5.5kg. Off the Road's carbon/stainless 2 into 1 system has a claimed featherweight of 3.9kg!

One standard can with link pipe weighs about 6kg (therefore 2 cans with link pipes and headers = 15kg?).

Another area to consider is changing to a LiFePO4 battery, which will reduce about 2kg.

I have read (not tested) that a tail tidy with LED rear light saves a 1kg - but I don't like the prices associated with this mod.

Unfortunately, I need the passenger footpegs, but that would be a cheap 500gms if not required

The above are all pretty standard stuff. Excel wheels and change of front suspension could probably net you another 3-5kg for a fair bit of effort and coin.

One thing to consider is whether the 181kg wet weight is correct. On my �5 Argos (cheap n cheerful UK shop) bathroom scales the bike's wet weight, in standard trim, was roughly 193kg This was full of fuel, ready to ride with standard tool-kit. I hope the scales were wrong?

Lastly, it is very easy to put the weight back on to the bike. For example, BarkBusters (500gms), UHD tubes (2kg+), Bashplate (2kg+), off-road footpegs, any other protection (water pump, side stand switch, brake reservoir etc) and electronics to sort out the fuelling that was perfect before the 2 into 1 system etc All this stuff adds up and so do the prices - it was easier with my mountain bikes

At the end of the day, it is not a WR250R or KTM. But if someone can direct me to how to lose another 10kg out of the bike, I'd listen

So for now, I console myself with the fact that it is lighter than a Ten