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Old 07-02-13, 23:37
DaveR DaveR is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Gloucester, UK
Posts: 48
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Originally Posted by bigTrev View Post
Last week i had to remove the front wheel from my xtx and discovered the only way to get it out was to remove the brake pads first, then remove the caliper!! there is so little room between caliper and rim. In my many years of biking i,ve never came accross this
Not unique in my experience - both my 1989 Ducati Paso and my 2010 Harley Fat Bob had/have this same "problem". Big discs and small rims make it inevitable.

Furthermore, most twin-disc front wheels, even with large rims, will still need at least one caliper removed 'cos there ain't enough room between the two calipers for the rim & tyre to pass through, which was the case with my Suzi GSX1400.

It's not a big hassle though, just whip out the caliper bolts and, like scarab says, twist the caliper on the disc to open up the pads a little, then slide it off.

It's good practice not to let the calipers hang on the hoses while the wheel's out, so tie it or wire it up to take the weight. I use a bungee cord to hang mine up.

A final note, don't over-torque the caliper bolts when you refit them, especially if they screw into the forks - it's easy to strip the threads in the alloy. And a smear of copaslip or graphite grease on the bolt threads will make sure they come out easily next time too.


Last edited by DaveR; 07-02-13 at 23:42.