ah finally getting back to the internet world here (moved work flat from glasgow to edin and new flat no internet) so just quickly on at work here.
Yep its official Ian is tenere-less and im +1 tenere!!!
Picked it up on sat, did around 400miles in 1 day doing a bit of messing around while ian was at work in the morning, back to his to sign off paper works etc, then lovely ride through mountains/no mans land to edin.
Very happy with my purchase, i was smiling for most of the day riding about.
And for all those who think im nuts, your probably quiet well true as ive now 3 bikes and a car to my name at 24 years old but thats gonna change soon and im going to be left with the tenere only.
Right gotta source some tyres for the bike as a trip to stoke on trent to see a mate is well and truelly going to do in the current TKC80's and i want to keep the others for when i get more of a chance to off road and not road ride.
 Plough on