Where is he exactly now?
I am in Perth and can assist as required locally. I'm an ex tenere rider as well so know the bike. He should be able to order the fork tube from this yamaha dealer in Perth (see below), doesn't look as though there is a Yamaha Motorbike Dealer in Carnarvon. It might be expensive though! Yamaha parts in Australia are.
A cheaper option would be to talk to offtheroad.de in Germany and see what they can do to get a fork tube airfreighted to him via UPS. Alternatively, tell him to get his bike on a truck down to Perth and fly from Carnarvon down here and sort it out when he's here.
He'll be very lucky to find a second hand replacement locally - there haven't been that many Tenere's sold in WA.
My number 0418976005, Andrew.
Cully's Motor Cycle Centre
Unit 9 - 511 Wanneroo Road
Balcatta, WA, 6021
Phone: (08) 93444444