Good pics to post to keep us all educated as to what can happen when we think.."Oh I'll just take it around the block'.....I wear my gear all the time and recently I've been thinking just to nip out that it would be OK in jeans and enduro jacket as it's 25-30c these days....
Thanks for confirming that I should continue the way I do and always have done...full leathers with enduro jacket and MX boots...
Glad the moto was not too badly damaged considering it's weight coming into contact with a hard surface..
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I will show the pics to my Son tonight as he's just starting out road riding albeit on his moped over here....flop flips and shorts are normal here for the young'uns...
The Suit:What would you consider to be your greatest weakness?
Me: Honesty.
The Suit: Honesty? I don't think honesty could be construed as a weakness.
Me: I don't give a f**k what you think.
