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sorry guys but i (am so lucky because I) don't suffer, one of my most favourite smells is fresh mown grass, really looking forward to the fields that surround my house being cut any day now,
I love the smell of fresh cut grass too - that ain't really an issue for us dribbly nose types as the grass/lawns never mature to produce pollen!
At the moment I am using the following array of potions (all of them at the same time), which generall keeps it in check unless it's really bad...
1) A month before the season take Pollena pollen tablets (8 a day) and eat as much local honey as I can (probably old wives tales, my Granny told me to do it, but can't do any harm and I like honey!)
2) Piriton tablets
3) Beconase nasal spray
4) Opticrom eye drops
5) Hay Max cream applied around the nostrils before a ride (homeopathic stuff, but works like vasolene)
I'd be open to any other suggestions, tried all sorts over the last 30 or so years. Anyone got a magic solution...?