Well Spen I could have told you.
Let me explain if MTC were not the kind of company that would have provided myself and you guys the clients 100% satisfaction, do you think I would have bothered to enter into a sponsorship deal with them?
I let their products sell through me here because I know I am not going to get any post sale headaches from people saying oh my cans have fallen apart or they don't effing fit or they are too flimsy, etc etc.
MTC are top notch, in both quality and after sale service. peace of mind for me and for the members of
very good product + affordable prices + excellent quality and durability.
So it doesn't say Akrapovic or Yoshimura on them but performance wise a straight through can is a straight through can, it's just the badge on them that changes...
And as for Akraps, 3 or 4 of our members who have had them had problem with weldings splitting open and those flimsy carbon clamps snapping on them, and they paid... �650-�700 for them, I call that crazy.