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The reason for wanting an Akrapovic system is because, from what I perceive, this is possibly the best system available ??? Please point me in the right direction if you know better.
I certainly don't know any better than the next man, but I think you need to get it straight in your own mind what you want the addition of aftermarket exhausts to achieve? What's important to you; sound quality, aesthetics, weight reduction, powergains? Then factor all that in with price. Get the answers to these questions straight in your head and you'll probably arrive your solution. In otherwords it's all down to personal choice!
I have Akros on the Z, and I'm with Keith, they are nice, but I can't really see or feel any perceived quality difference over other brands I've had dealings with over the years. There is way more choice now than when I bought mines cans in 2008 (in fact there wasn't any!) If I was starting out again I'd have to say I'd probably go MTC...