I�ve read a considerable number of posts relating to the various aftermarket exhaust people have used, but can�t decide if there�s actually a clear winner in terms of performance, reliability and quality? Most will say the system they have is excellent and are very pleased with it, although this doesn�t give any real comparisons.
The reason for wanting an Akrapovic system is because, from what I perceive, this is possibly the best system available ??? Please point me in the right direction if you know better.
I�m certainly not looking for a loud system and appreciate there are fairly small gains in power terms, with the biggest improvement being weight saving.
I have all the cheaper performance bits already fitted, stage 1, stage 2 filters, Kev fuel mod etc, so I�m guessing the next step is really a set of pipes, or the big question is �Are a set of pipes actually worth buying� ???