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I wan`t to lower the bike because i am 173cm. My suspension is at its lowest, but i think it�s too high turning in hills. Had to lay it down yesterday, luckily on the grass.
It may look ugly, but so am i. I guess there will be one advantage: wheelies in second gear.....
Anyway, thank you for your attention..
Jense I don't know if you have thought about this but there is another solution to the problem. I have the same problem as you with height but I've resolved it by having the foam inside my saddle cut down a few inches, and It made a huge difference, better than all the lowering kits you might ever get.
Have a look at these picture to give you an idea
You can do this yourself if you remove the staples that hold the vinyl cover to the saddle peel the cover by one side and then you get a sharp cheese knife, cut as much foam as you need or have a professional saddle upholsterer to do it for you.