Thread: kool tool
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Old 13-05-12, 08:10
Woottonboy Woottonboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Wootton
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Woottonboy is on a distinguished road
group purchase???

Would anyone be interested in buying one off the guy? Surely if a group purchase was organised at a reduced rate it wouldn't be worth our collective time and effort rather than trying to knock an equivalent unit up.

I feel sorry for the bloke, great idea, appears to work a treat, but someone will end up taking a unit to China (copy it and get a container load at the cost of next to nothing) and all of a sudden they will be $29.99 at your local bike shop.

It reminds me of the woman that invented the pop up umberella, she died poor and pennyless. All her interlectual property stolen.