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Hi bob
How are ya.
Can't believe how many bikes you've had
You sticking with xt this time around.
I've still got you're ex tenere has not missed
A beat mate. I'm still loving it lol
Cheers bob
Hi Ya mate
glad you still have the Tenere its still on my profile picture, and glad its behaving for you mate,
Have you been anywhere on it any adventures ??
We will have to go out and do a few local lanes when you get time, and if it ever stops raining LOL
Yes ive had a few bikes since that one, bought an old scruffy XTr just for crappy weather days and to do some offroading which I enjoy but hate getting a �8k bike full of crap so this one will do the trick for me, Ill keep it for a while, its got some usefull bits on it Sump guard, Engine bars, K+N, Rack, Heated Grips, Kev Mod, Touring screen, Fat Pegs, so theres a load of bits I dont have to buy !!! Happy Days