Are guide Ian as Boyd the guy who runs and normally guides you was doing modifications to his house (as he said or the wife would

Old man having a wee sit down after a rough trail
Having a wee tea/coffe at ians house after some long rough off roading
Pee stop and time for a photo, lovely sunny weather and we mostly dodged the showers
A trail there felt like it went on and on, but you just had to focus non stop
Ian coming back after he went to put the side stand down on the KTM and found it wasnt there!!!! Bolt had sheared off but lucky enough he got the sidestand again.
Close up of Ian after the steep down hill steps
Yes playing in the water as my feet where already ringing wet, too many oh big puddle splash ah wet feets
Yes that is snow in the back round and there where a few sections where you had 20m of snow covering the trail, very slippery or you just sunk in and had to power your way out.
And finally an action splash photo of the old man
All in all a great days off roading but my god to you feel like youve been 3 rounds with a boxer the next day. (yes i am unfit)
Thats it for this trip, next is the lakes and the the IOM TT for a week....Cant wait.