Think for me its the oft use acronym :ATGATT -All The Gear All The Time.
Like others, even if its down the shops etc
I`m probably over paranoid but after years of seeing all those weird injury pictures you got in FHM mag, I decided I liked the way my body was put together and didn't want to mess with it
Even the cheapest of the cheap textile jackets and trousers are better than jeans and a t-shirt. And even a cut cost pair of leather boots are better than your Nikes/flipflops.
Always remember my instructor telling me that coming off on tarmac and sliding along in jeans was akin to taking a belt sander and holding it to bare skin. Scared the bejeezes out me
Saying that I`m still to purchase a decent back protector - even toyed with a full body armour underneath my Akito enduro textile jacket but maybe this is a bit OTT for on road stuff?