For me I will never ever leave the house- even to pop to the shop 1min ride away without a bare minimum of.....
Gloves, Draggin Jeans, Magnum assault boots, leather jacket and helmet.
For my day to day riding I.e to work etc I wear....
Magnum classic assault boots. Ive used these for years including on military exercises and work. They are a fantastic boot. Very comfortable, breathable, if looked after they are waterproof and give great ankle support. When I had my Major off in 2009 I was wearing my Magnums at the time and I didnt injure my ankle at all, they took a great beating and supported me well.
However as I now do more and more riding in all weather conditions I will be buying some tech 3s or similar boots. I'm not going for an all out stiff motorcross boot as I do allot of walking in my bike boots and need them to be a little more moveable.
I currently wear an akito leather jacket. It is about 20 years old and was originally my old mans past on to me when I first started riding. It is thick padded leather and I have 'utilised' its functions back in 2009 and once again it protected me and did its job well.
However it is a winter jacket and about kills me in summer. I will be buying a new material jacket in the coming months. I will be making sure that the new jacket has built in armour, shoulders, elbows and back protector.
It will have a removabel liner so I can use it in winter and summer.
I have a pair of RST material trouser with hip, knee, shin protectors and also removable liners. These are a fab pair of trousers, sturdy warm and fairly showerproof. I always wear waterproof trousers over the top of them though for added wind protection and water protection.
Before this I allways used Draggin Jeans. Having seen a live show where they tested the draggin jeans by having a bloke wear them, sit on his arse and be dragged behind a harley D drag bike, I know they work!
So they have fantastic protection when sliding accross the tarmac as the jean material melts and provides a sliparry serface to slide on and the woven kevlar protects from the tarmac coming through. But they have no real impact protection. This is what aided in the destruction of my knee back in 2009 and so I have now moved on to more protective/padded trousers.
In winter and on rainy days I wear my Frank Thomas waterproof gloves. Nice and thick and warm.
In summer I wear My 661 armoured Downhill moutain bike gloves. However these will be changed this year to propper leather summer gloves as I dont forsee them holding up in an off.
I currently use a Wulfsport Prima dual sport lid.
This is a cracking lid, it is very light and fits well. I know it works well in an off as I have tested it before as stated above. It does have a good safety rating as well.
Im due a new lid as this one has been crashed, Im looking into slightly more expensive lids with better safety ratings. However if the same style lids are cropping up with similar safety ratings I will simply buy another Prima.
Thats my two pence worth anyhu.