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Old 06-04-12, 11:42
Gas_Up_Lets_Go Gas_Up_Lets_Go is offline
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Originally Posted by sezian View Post
If I spent many hours trawling I guess I could go through everyone�s profile and make a list of people in my area, this of course would take a considerable amount of time.
The time spent developing the system to do this would be exponentially higher, week of work in fact. I'm not rubbishing the idea, but such a system would be very complex;

You need to establish a good system for peoples locations, some may put "London" others "Hackney" or "N/E London" or "NE London" or "North of the river, London" or "LS1" or "LS1, 2RF" or "LS12RF" - all meaning the same thing..

Some might put the county, some the area, such as "Cumbria" or "North Lakes" or "Lake District", the permutations are endless.

So it's not as simple as extracting the information, there would need to be an exercise to put all the information into an acceptable format (for a system to plot it on a map). There is also the question of licencing for the necessary software and server capacity both in terms of power and storage. And ultimately funding.

It is complex.

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