I'm sure if you do a search you'll find and idiots guide to XTX fitting, I'm sure I've seen a thread at some point?
I'd say you'll be find with the single nozzle, most people I know use this and have had no issues.
Originally Posted by
Good question mate. But why do you think that you need one??? I think that UNLESS you are planning to ride a really long distance then a quick squirt every week with chain lube is far easier, cheaper, more effective and wastes less oil??? Comments please!! Simon
The Scottoiler's best feature is not really the fact that you don't have to remember to lube the chain, but because of the way it lubes it. The oil's thin and gets in all the knooks and crannies, but the best thing is it flings off the chain taking dirt, grit and muck with it (so its not really wasted). Aerosol chain lubes tend to build up into a sticky mess (unless cleaned very regularly) which allows dirt and grit to stick and accelerate wear. So I would say, even if you only do a small mileage its still worth it...