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Old 16-03-12, 22:54
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Tony660x Tony660x is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Staffordshire, UK
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Tony660x is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Woottonboy View Post
I came within about 2m of hitting a big white horse on a dirt road (blind corner that I always go to fast around). The worst part was it was't till afterwards that I actually thought (mmmm I didn't even have time to touch the brakes). I can see why they say most people have accidents within 5 minutes of home.

By the way, don't horses look big (and unavoidable) when your aiming right into there mid section!
Wootonboy, I can tell you that you are soooo right. I had my worst ever bike accident less than 1 mile from my house last October. A deer came out from nowhere, I was less fortuate than you, I could not avoid it and I did not have time to hit the brakes either.

Result, broken ankle put in plaster for 7.5 weeks a broken finger and no skin on my left arm. Oh and the bike, yep it was a writeoff. Glad you did not suffer the same fate. I am still getting over my injuries.

Ride safe and let it be a warning. The very fact you posted means it was. I was doing 40mph in a 60, mine could have been worse, I could easily have been doing double that (I was on a CBR600). I count myself lucky as well.