Ma wife cant stand bikes, although she lets me away wi Murder I kid not when it comes tae Bikes an stuff..... being married fur 27 years ,, ave had a lot tae put up wi,, if ad hae done a Murder,, ad have been free 12 years ago... i tell ye it hard swoppin bikes an stuff all the time...
the first ever time she was on the back o me on a bike,,,was a cx 500 we left Motherwell 10 miles south o Glasgow an went tae Surrey fur the weekend...11 rs down,, an 12 comming back up on the Monday.. after a visit tae Boxhill... that was the first an last time,,an that was 20 years ago... but the worst ever day o her life was as she tells me all the time...was the day we went tae Donnington tae watch the bike she loved that... aye right