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Old 18-09-11, 13:57
platty platty is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 88
platty is on a distinguished road

Unfortunately Puffy and I are headed that way on 17th October for 14 days. Our current "schedule" - rain, rivers, water crossings and GOD not withstanding - goes by Mildura, Hawker and Marree on the way out to the Birdsville Loop including Tiboburra and White Cliffs on the way home - approximately 4,200 kms all up

Sounds like we intend to do failry similar trips - yeaph we'll be camping most of the way as well !!!

Ditto the comments re a flight over Lake Eyre - remember to arrange in advance if you really want a specific time.

Damn pity we all couldn't have got the trip schedules right - would have been a great adventure

Did you sort out your racks and panniers yet ?

expat Kiwi - now living in Melbourne - now riding a XT660R and a XT1200Z

Last edited by platty; 18-09-11 at 14:22.