i got my new system yesterday and installed it directly.
the looks and quality is nice! better then it look at their homepage.
the can for example has now a cone at the end wich make it look realy nice.
the heatguard for your shoes is made out of carbon and looks nice too. much better then the metall thing they show at their homepage (maybe they should do an update at the page

the can is quite heavy with ca2,6kg (you could save something there with one in carbon i guess) and the overall weight is around 4,7kg...that is a saving ca 8-9kg to the original system
to install the system is not that big fun.
the insidenut in the front for the left side pipe is coverred by the pipe itsself so it was a mess to thighten the nut.
for the brake reservoir you get an extra part so you can move it and that works really easy and fine.
but the big mess is att the back. the last part off the pipe were you put the can on is not "straight" so it is real hard to get the can straight Points to the middle of the bike).
a bikeshop in my town told me that they had the same problem on 2 systems so i think that MM wants to make the bike so tight that their boxes and stauff work too but they made it a bit to thight.
after a while off work i got it on but it is not perfekt.
the bike has now ca 5-8cm more ground clearance and the bike looks a lot nice as it is much more "clean" and looks "open" wich i like.
more like a real supermotard or cross should look like.
the system sounds quite loud. i do not know how loud it is but you do not wanna drive around at home to much if you like the people around
now every body is looking at you!
but for my taste it is just right. sounds quite nice i think.
the bike has more power in the bottem now. you can really feel the difference.
with 14/45 gearing, this system and the original aircleaner (just without snorkel) i can go down to 68km/h in fith gear and it feals ok.
i can feel a difference with heat as it is not just at your right foot, the system is a lot higher and on the side so the engine is not covering it. but it is absolutly okej.
for the right foot, i always ride with my pants in the boots and i do not touch the system. but if you have real loose trousers then there could be a problem.
for the weight wich i was mostly looking for. you can feel it on ways you know. the bike feels better...not extremly but it is better.
as more i ride as more i noticed the diffrence
i do not regrett that i bought the system!