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Old 01-04-11, 02:52
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paulba paulba is offline
SemiPro XT-Moto
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Unhappy XT Throttle cable

Hi Guys,

Somehow I've managed to break a throttle cable (at the plastic adjuster on the switch block), I've just spoke to Yamaha and they have Nil stock in Australia with 3 on back order and only 2 on order, the second of these is due mid May, they don't know when stock will be available

Does anyone know where I can source a replacement? or know of anyone with a spare they no longer need? is there a local company that makes cables or another model that will work?

Part Number 5VK-F6311-00.

This is the same cable for the X/R/Z


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1988 XT600Z