hey Rooster....did you get a LCD 100?
.........if you did, i would like to borrow it for a very short while....if that is OK with you.?
oh...and we need to have a HUMM meeting at some stage too!
2008 XTR Mods : DNA Stage 3 Airbox, PC111, Carbon Cans Ovals,
Steve Ruth built XTR734cc Big Bore with - High Desert Dyno (HDD)/ Cuervo Racing Gas Flowed / Ported Head fitted with +1mm Valves & uprated Springs, HDD 5050 Camshaft, HDD +3mm Throttle Body, CP 105.5mm 11:1 Piston, Custom Mapping, Piasini ECU, Renthal 613-01, Barkbusters VPS, Pivot Pegz, Touratech Bashplate, Foam Grips, Kev's O2 Sensor Mod, Kev's Extra Coolant Cooler, Wilbers Progressive Fork Springs and Rear Shock