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Old 22-01-11, 02:02
Woottonboy Woottonboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Wootton
Posts: 177
Woottonboy is on a distinguished road
Dodgy bikes on the OZ market

When I was in Bulahdelah today getting petrol, I saw a truck at the servo with a heap of new shiny bikes on the back. Most still in partial knock down kit form (partly in frame crates - partly out, some wheels off, some fully assembled, all sorts of different makes). One was white and grey Tenere. I thought it might be this year�s model so I went over for a good look but what the driver told me chilled me to the bone.

And I quote (roughly):
�Mate you wouldn�t touch one of these with a barge pole. All of them came from the same warehouse and have been under 20 foot water in the QLD flood. This is my second run this week.�

They are being steam cleaned, dried out and rushed interstate for quick sales ASAP. So be very careful about buying a cheap, near new bike at the moment, particularly in Sydney or Melbourne, it might be a wet one! I don�t know how you can pick them because they looked so new, no mud at all. Long term it can�t be good for a bike to be under water,

One thing, I would have thought the computer would die straight away but apparently not?
What other long term effects?