Just like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Kev for thinking up his fuelling mod and posting instructions on how to make one on this site.
I bought all the bits from Maplins. The assistant asked me if I wanted a linear or logarithmic resistor. WTF?? I'll try the first one.
Second problem was the resistor had 3 connectors and I had to solder on 2 wires. A quick look on Google sorted that one (left hand and centre connectors if you want the knob to turn clockwise)
Took a deep breath before cutting the black/blue wire from the temp sensor and 15 mins later it was all connected up, heat shrinked and ready to go.
The resistor I used reduced the temp by 9 C when turned fully clockwise. I marked it at 5 C and took it for a ride.
A definite improvement. Before my throttle was like an on/off switch when the engine was warmed up, now I can roll the power on with little snatching. With the throttle held slightly open there is a very small amount of surging, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
It's not a creamy smooth ride, but this is a 660cc single, it's more of a yoghurt with fruity lumps
Well worth the effort of making (or buying from Kev) and fitting one.
My bike is an 05 XTX with CCC carbon ovals and standard air filter with the snorkel still fitted.
I will play around with the temp setting over the next few days and will report back. But for now at -5 C I am very pleased.