Thread: Autotune switch
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Old 06-08-10, 12:11
dazmatic dazmatic is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Well, basically, the autotune uses a wideband O2 sensor rather than a narrowband O2 sensor like what the bike comes with.

It uses the sensor to detect the AFR thats being produced and then directly taps into the PCV's trim table to produce fuel adjustments depending on the RPM, throttle position etc.

Then, you can go into the PCV software and accept the trim tables manually which will add them to the base map which I've got to admit, is a pain in the bloody ars3!

If you don't accept the trims, the base map will never be changed and so the new map wont be applied.

What the switch does, by having it turned on, the autotune is in learn mode and making adjustments in the trim table and I believe is applying them to the running of the bike. When you switch it off, it then applies this trims to the base map saving you from having to hook up a laptop to accept them.

Thats my understanding anyway.
09 XT660X:

CCC Stainless Rounds, Stage 1 DNA, Stage 2 DNA, PCV With Custom Autotune Map, PCV AutoTune, Home made O2 eliminator, Self machined Fork Spacers, DIY Autotune Switch.