I think the short answer is that a K&N stage one gives you better (more) airflow than standard and a DNA stage 1 is better than a K&N. That's on paper, but I don't think that you would notice much difference between the K&N and DNA stage 1.
The real gains start when you fit a DNA stage 2 as well, but only if you can modify your fuelling. The stage 1&2 allow that much more airflow you can afford to inject more fuel and get better power. Member use K&N stage 1 and DNA stage 2 without any problems.
The ideal fuel mod is the likes of a power commander (�250 ish) but a Kev mod works fine for about �25 (or make your own for about �5). Myself and plenty of members use them.
Combine this with removing the snorkel and drilling the air box and it's good step up. +~10% bhp.
The DNA stage 3 is a whole other thing and definitely needs a power commander.
Black 06 XTX Mods: Renthal Bars�Venom Handguards�BikeVis Bullets�mgmoto bobbins�iridium spark plug�Oxford hotgrips�Givi Engine Bars�DNA Stage 1 & 2�Kevmod�Centre Stand Wishlist:HID Xenon headlight : A Big Don't Hit Me Flag