tenere goes 7mph riding just off the cluth?
Hi, i was wandering if any other tenere riders have realised that? if you pull off in first gear just using the clutch and let it out fully it goes around 7/8mph without any throttle, just i got my tenere yesterday, and today some friends where looking at it, and revving it very high on the stand and after that it seems to pull alot from the cluth and go quite fast just from idle revs... even though revving the bike in neutral cant really effect anything i wouldnt had thought.
i am sure it was not doing that previously, im a bit confused wether its just me being overly cautious or theres and issue?... i was also thinking it may be the automatic choke working and maybe i never noticed it before... just crazy that idle revs takes it to 8mph?? is this normal?
Last edited by GBX; 28-05-10 at 00:58.