Thread: Waterpump
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Old 17-05-10, 02:11
Gerhard Beukes Gerhard Beukes is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Pretoria
Posts: 189
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Yes, it certainly seems that waterpump issues is in fashion. Started with mine not so long ago, replaced all parts that kev advised, and Eureka, all good so far.
The mechanical seal was a bi^&h to take out, eventually i destroyd te whole seal in the process. Yamaha bond that they use in there is good for building Great Walls that stand for 1000's years.
I did notice tge impellar shaft was also bit corroded near the impellar part, but fine sanding paper sorted that out, but i am sure next time it leaks i will have to replace the whole impellar and shaft.
Good luck for everyone with water issues and give yourselve a good tap on the back when you fix it yourselve