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Old 30-04-10, 09:07
rearviewmirror rearviewmirror is offline
SemiPro XT-Moto
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 48
rearviewmirror is on a distinguished road
XT660's a black sheep?

After so much fanfare with the XT 250, 350, 500, 600, and so on why is it that Yamaha is luke warm on the 660? Is the lack of aftermarket parts and support largely due to them not being sold in North America? I knw there are some parts available, but if you compare stock to KLR/DR or older XT's it's not even on the same plane. Owning this Yamaha, I feel like I'm a bit out in left field, like I own some one off Italian bike that absolutely no one knows anything about or sees potential revenue in making aftermarket parts for. So what's it going to take for the XT's to go mainstream again?